November 27, 2009

The Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela and Mother Teresa Get Funky On Our Collective A$$es

LAVA Communications in Sydney promoting the December appearance of The Dalai Lama in Australia for a series of talks and teachings: "A band dressed up as old famous people. It's been done. Fail."

The video, called The Nobel Funk Off, is being sold as having been created by "An anonymous private supporter of His Holiness the Dalai Lama." In other words, it was created by the agency which also says it will "shift focus" in a couple of weeks to reveal more about the event.

Ugliest mother Teresa I've ever seen. Ever.


November 22, 2009

Between: "A Dark, Surreal [Film]That Travels Through Grounds And Walls And Into Moments Stuck In Time"

To disappear without hiding,
To represent without showing.

Between is an experimental short film by the German filmmaker Tim Bollinger. The film has been described as a dark, surreal piece that travels through grounds and walls and into moments stuck in time. As Bollinger describes it, “It’s a journey through worlds of the subconscious, allowing us to catch sinister glimpses of the human psyche’s ambivalence.” Its complex combinations and the resulting visions evoke a stroll in between different senses, caught up in an endless loop within our inner life, where the exit is the only entrance.

Between from Via Grafik on Vimeo.

November 16, 2009

Ultra Cool Nike Sneakers Made out of Paper

How cool are these Nike sneakers made from paper? They were designed by David Brownings who's an artist from Bristol, England who is obviously very, very talented.


November 11, 2009

A Little Gruesome: "Expose Yourself" Campaign Seeks to Explore the Real Innards You

This print campaign for an outfit called Ramorama is called "Expose Yourself". This is a bit gruesome and literally visceral but attention-catching.

Advertising Agency: Ogilvy Brasil, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Art Director: Fernando Reis
Copywriter: Marcelo Padoca
Photographer: Zarella Neto


November 10, 2009

Christian Serratos From 'Twilight Saga' Would Rather Go N@ked Than Wear Fur Too

Another celeb/starlet would rather go nutty naked naked than wear fur for PETA. The latest in the long list is Christian Serratos who plays "Bella" in the popular Twilight Saga series. Let's all go naked for PETA. Well, maybe not; It only matters if you're famous and I ain't and neither are any o' "youse".

Find out more about Twilight's
Christian Serratos at

November 6, 2009

Dexter P0rn Parody

So here it is finally! A porn parody based on the HBO hit series Dexter
. Why am I posting this again? Ooooh, yea. 'Cause I'm kinda twisted.