December 15, 2013

Erik Johansson's Impossibly Amazing and Mind Boggling Scenes

This is the amazing work of Erik Johansson, a photographer and retoucher from Sweden who works out of Germany. Johansson's impossible scenes are full of fantasy and magical realism and they remind of the mind boggling work of Belgian photographer Christophe Gilbert who has been featured on LD before. Trippy stuff.

December 10, 2013

Hilarious Condom Ad Banned in Australia for being too Sleazy

This condom commercial for Four Seasons Condoms was banned in Australia because it was deemed too sexy and sleazy; I've seen sleazier. I think the ad is cute, dumb and hilarious all wrapped into one! Lol.

December 8, 2013

Fernando Botero's Jovially Mischievous Large People After Diego Velazquez

Menina (After Velazquez), Fernando Botero (1978)

Fernando Botero's usually genial subjects are comical, satirical and sardonic. And he has joined other contemporary artistic uber giants such as Picasso, Dali and Francis Bacon in paying tribute to the genius of Diego Velazquez. I find Botero's "fat" (to use the artist's own word) portrayals of some of the 17th century Spanish Master's most recognized and significant artwork involving royalty and court notables, jovially mischievous, vivacious and wildly entertaining. I think the work is Boterismo at it's very best!

Las Meninas (detail)

Las Meninas (detail)

Las Meninas, Diego Velazquez (1656)

Vallecas the Child (after Velázquez) - Fernando Botero (1959)

Vallecas the Child (after Velázquez) - Fernando Botero (1971)

Portrait of Francisco Lezcano or The "Niño de Vallecas (Vallecas the Child), Diego Velazquez (1643–1645)

After Velazquez, Fernando Botero (1988)

Infanta Margarita Teresa in silver dress, Diego Velazquez (1656)

After Velazquez, Fernando Botero (2005)

Infanta Margarita Teresa in blue dress,  Diego Velazquez (1659)

Juan de Calabazas after Velazquez,  Fernando Botero (1975)

Juan de Calabazas, (The Jester Calabasillas), Diego Velazquez (1637–1639)
Sources: [via][via][via]
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