December 30, 2009

Human Furniture as Erotica

I like this anthropomorphic furniture! It is risque but not vulgar. Who came up with this idea?

Whether sublime, sexy or something else entirely, each part is carved with incredible delicacy and precision – from the human forms themselves to the props with which they interact – such as the supporting object above designed to look the part of an remarkably life-like cloth draped over a dresser.


December 15, 2009

Iconic Movie Posters Recast to Portray Humans as the Real Predators of Animals

These ads recast iconic movies posters to portray humans as the real predators of animals instead of the other way around. The animal rights faux posters were done for UNEP/CMS by Serviceplan agency in Germany.



December 7, 2009

Tiger Woods Adulterous Voicemail Remix Song is Catchy Like Syphillis

 Some folks have a lot of time of time on their hands. Some of Tiger's ill-advised and adulterous messages to his 200 mistresses have been remixed into a funky and catchy song.


December 2, 2009

'Dancing With the Stars' Joanna Krupa's Nude PETA Ad Angers Catholics, Delights Heathens

PETA plays the "shock and awe' (or is it awe and shock?) game again and this time around it is the Catholic League that is crying foul while it sheds bitter tears of blood. Thing is, Joanna Krupa was recruited by PETA to be the latest "shock you"! anti-fur celebrity in "Be An Angel for Animals" campaign ad where the Playboy model appears naked but for a large crucifix covering strategic parts of her body. The Catholic League thinks the photos are blasphemous because, they mess with crucifixes and angels and all that nice collection of Catholic religious symbolism.

Hey girl: Where did you pick up that cross? Did you go Black Friday shopping?!

Watch Joanna's behind-the-scenes video from
her sexy PETA photo shoot, and find out why
animal rights is so important to her.
