June 2, 2009
Relator: Scarlett Johansson and Peter Yorn Singing Duet. I Say a Hit!
Actress Scarlett Johansson has announced an album of duets, to be released in September. This record, entitled Break Up, was mostly written by American singer-songwriter Pete Yorn.
Yorn and Johansson sing together on each of Break Up's nine tracks, offering a musical account of the beginning, middle and end of a tormented love-affair inspired by Brigitte Bardot's work with Serge Gainsbourg.
The sultry and cleavalicious Scarlett belts out a song in this video called “Falling Down” from her album “Anywhere I Lay my Head” which is a collection of songs from the legendary Tom Waits; Anywhere was released last year.
I really like Scarjo's raspy, Stevie Nixeque voice but I might be in the minority: The gorgeous Hollywood actress has received a lot of shit from lots of bloggers for her singing. Hopefully she will tune out the haterz and keep beltin' them out! I say a hit! What say ye?
Scarlet can sing as well as most girls who have very little voice, she stays in tune anyway ...but the songs are crap.